Baseball History – Derek Jeter and Sports Interaction
When Derek Jeter reaches the 3000 hit plateau, becoming just the 28th player in MLB history to join the 3000 Hit Club, Sports Interaction wants to celebrate the milestone with their loyal clients. Bet Live on Major League Baseball at Sports Interaction this weekend!

Baseball History – Derek Jeter and Sports Interaction: After 16 years in Yankee pinstripes, Derek Jeter is poised to join one of the most elite clubs in all of baseball – The 3,000 Hit Club!
Sports Interaction To Refund Losing Live Bets
With live betting becoming more and more popular, Sports Interaction doesn’t want their live betting clients to miss out on celebrating Jeter’s historic hit.
Sports Interaction spokesman Frank Doyle explains, “Live betting is more and more popular with Sports Interaction bettors and we don’t want anyone to be disappointed when baseball history happens. So if you’ve an inning bet that loses, when Jeter hits 3,000, we’re gonna make like it never happened. Who rains on a parade?”
Jeter Can Make History This Weekend – First Yankee to 3,000 Hits
Bettors who place a Live Bet on the inning that Derek Jeter registers his 3000th hit, and lose their wager, will receive a refund of up to $50 from Sports Interaction.
“We’re seeing something that’s one of those where-were-you-when moments in baseball,” says Doyle. “We don’t mind giving a little back when someone’s making that kind of history.”
Jeter reached 2,997 hits with an eighth inning double in a 5-3 loss to the Indians on July 6, 2011. The Yankees now head home and Jeter has four games, before the All-Star break, to reach the magic number.
We think Jeter will make history in the Yankees vs Tampa Bay Rays series so Live Betting has its benefits, more than it usually does, at Sports Interaction this weekend!